Bean Burst Coffee Scrub | Laura Elizabeth xo

Sunday 19 June 2016

Bean Burst Coffee Scrub

 I love how smooth exfoliating makes my skin, I have quite sensitive skin and have tried so many different ones, and when I came across this coffee scrub, and being a lover of all things coffee, I was really intrigued and excited to try it out. Now I won't lie, I take pride in being honest in my reviews, and this scrub is messy, it went absolutely everywhere! Whilst I was quite annoyed at first about having to clean up the bath and wondering how on earth it made its way up the walls, especially when I used it carefully to avoid this, the results are so good that I am willing to spend some time cleaning up afterwards every time. 

Bean Burst scrubs contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and natural ingredients, which have powerful effects on the skin to 'repair, rejuvenate and protect.' Additionally, the blends have been described as reducing cellulite, stretch marks, acne, psoriasis, eczema and scarring. There are three scrubs to choose from, all priced at £15 for 200g and free UK shipping! You can choose from Sweet Orange, Grapefruit or Peppermint blend, all that exfoliate the skin to keep it in tip top condition. 

The peppermint blend I received is the perfect mix of both scents, but isn't too overwhelming and is designed to invigorate, brighten and energise your skin. As coffee is a natural exfoliant full of antioxidants it helps to produce new skin cells by boosting blood circulation. This does not need to be rubbed or scrubbed into the skin, but simply left on damp skin for 10 minutes and I like to use it once or twice a week. 

This really does leave my skin feeling super soft and smooth afterwards and I love the scent of coffee and mint. The product is within a waterproof and foil lined bag and overall, this is perfect for my dry skin.

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